
Linux by Ripudaman Singh

Customize the Bash [Linux] Your terminal window generally has username@hostname but you can change that we will discuss here how to change it.   link for details: Read-1 Read-2 Read-3 Let's make the Example setup as in above picture with live time cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.bak  In case of a problem it will help to get back the old file  nano ~/.bashrc Add the follwing line at the Last PS1="\e[0;35m\w\e[m\n\@ \e[0;35m$\e[m " close the nano by ctrl X, Y enter. making Changes active by source ~/.bashrc To customize in your own way see the above links. Get the localhost at some other name [Linux] Open your terminal and type  sudo nano /etc/hosts map your name with localhost address like       localhost       ripudaman # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ctrl X, y enter All done you can access the localhost at your describe name for me its ripudaman (helpful when making twitter app which runs on localhost) Getting port is al


Fitness is one of the essential parts of one's life. Our main motive in life is to be happy and enjoy each second to its fullest. We should spread happiness and try to make happy everyone around us, which is only possible if we are physically and mentally fit from inside and outside. Physical Fitness not only makes you feel energized but also protects you from anxiety. Physical Fitness can easily be maintained by daily Exercise for 20 minutes take a challenge for 20 days and see the results. You feel positive energy inside you and you will have a good and attractive physical appearance also as a bi-product. The gym is not all you need, only need motivation for fitness, happiness, etc. Fitness Steps 1) Running 2) Push-Ups 3) Pull-Ups 4)  Crunches 5) Sit-ups 6) Stretching Follow yoga, youtube, as you like, make regular routine. Make To-Dos of your workout and make it possible every day. Bonus for Developers: Take care of Metal Health: Enjoy, relax, have a hobby, g

Best Online Tuitors

Learning: Nowadays learning new technology is getting easier and easier. IT profession is a Path in which learning new things is the key-frame. Learning new technology looks like a difficult in the beginning but after a few hours of devotion in research of learning goal, we find I easier.  Steps Take the online free crack course for that technology on youtube/Udemy (Example: 1-hour or 2-hour crack course)  Afterward, if you like to dive deeper than take a course of at least 15 hours, get your hands dirty is the only way to learn.  Try to make small dummy projects for your self in this process, make the roadMaps and try to make clones of existing projects and services. Now if you want to advance more follow your technology latest feeds and also try to read is docs and all. Make small projects which have some key features Some Places for Learning 1) Youtube (for kick start) 2) Udemy (for Average Edging) 3) Google search yourself (Find your best Yourself) (

Popular Online Platform in Daily Life

You must have your online Presence @ Instagram: To follow the entertainment, trends fitness, etc Quora (Find the Answer) Medium Twitter Slack LinkedIn Telegram WhatsApp E-mail Github Coding Platforms This post is not complete will complete it soon

Online Platform for study

Top online platform for study online are: This post is the extension of  best-online-tuitors  in which, I will discuss some places for Learning new technology in short. 1) Youtube 2) Udacity 3) Udemy 4) Coursera 5) (For download free udemy) Courses Daddy  -> 6) Eduonix learning Solution 7) For BigData Tools Installation  -> 8) Guru99  -> 9) NPTL 10) 11) GeeksForGeeks 12) w3Schools 13) Find the Cheat Sheet and road Maps on google 14) Conclusion:  IT Trade is one of the most Overwhelming Field, You have to complete your job and Enjoy for Life somehow, so Explore all as much as you can, You can't do all. Don't Try to be perfect, Enjoy your life and TAKE SHORTCUTS, and make the base strong. ALL THE BEST


INSTALL RabbitMQ sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install erlang sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server sudo systemctl enable rabbitmq-server sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server sudo systemctl status rabbitmq-server sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management http://localhost:15672  username guest  password guest by default Tuitorial Get Started CHANGING User Will All Permisssions Small Implementation HelloWorld Github   sender and receiver for message Workers and Task Github   new_task.js sends the tasks to the worker.js and if the multiple worker.js is started it will be evenly distributed and execute the task. All the persistence is added so the chances of data loss can be stoped. Producer consumer Github  Producer sends the message which is received by all the receiver connected emit_log.js >>>>>>>>>> producer and receive_log.js >>>>>> consumer Subscribe to parti


REDIS sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install redis-server sudo cp /etc/redis/redis.conf /etc/redis/redis.conf.default redis-server redis-cli What is Redis? Redis is a KeyValue based datastore which is an in-memory type dataStore that implies all the data is stored in memory i.e RAM of the server. Since or Due to the in-memory structure of Redis it is extremely fast. Due to the use of RAM to make it persistent RDB (Snapshots) or AOF is used. Generally, snapshots are used for the Backups and  AOF is used for the Data regular persisting. Redis has lots of data structure which makes it easy to store data in most effientWay. It is used in Caching of our data for fast access and as a message broker like Kafka. To use Redis with our code Client is used.  Small implementation. Task manager WebApp with NodeJs and Redis  Github-ripu502